The "Hudson Valley Net" (HVN)

HVN celebrating our 46nd anniversary proudly serving the Mid-Hudson River Valley in 2024!

19 years on the web in 2024!

(To our knowledge, we are the oldest continuously operated local net website in the entire NTS!)

HVN meets on the Mount Beacon Amateur Radio Club's N2FZC 146.97 mhz repeater (-600 khz, PL 100) located on top (1,531') of Mt. Beacon in Beacon NY each evening, 19:30 Eastern (Local) Time 365/366 days a year. 

Our alternate frequency (if 146.97 is 'down') is the N2OXV 147.045 mhz repeater (+600 khz, PL 100) located on top (1,125') of Illinois Mountain in the hamlet of Highland, NY (immediately across the Hudson River from Poughkeepsie).

Welcome all those interested in the wonderful world of 'traffic handling'!

Thanks to the Mt. Beacon ARC for hosting our web page!

Latest News

  • September 2024 statistics added
    (updated 10 October 2024)

  • Replaced the missing June 2024 line (how that happen??)
    (updated 21 September 2024)

  • QST October 2024 ARRL Public Service Honor Roll HVN Members - What is the PSHR? ;
    -and- added Lynn, KV2J to April 2024 listing which was overlooked
    (updated 11 September 2024)

  • Updated Liaison lit for Digital Traffic Network (KV2J, W2OOD both liaisons)
    (updated 7 August 2024)


Why traffic handling? In 1914, the founder of the ARRL, Hiram Percy Maxim, call sign 1WH, needed to find a station one-half way in between his in Hartford, CT and another station he wished to speak to in Springfield, MA because he could not do it with the equipment he had at the time. During this time, Maxim realized that a formally organized relay system would be of tremendous use to amateurs.  He and a friend Clarence D. Tuska, callsign 1WD, founded the ARRL on April 6, 1914. (This info courtesy of the Wikipedia article on the history of the ARRL). 

Thus, the original purpose of the ARRL (think about what the letters mean - the American Radio Relay League!) was to 'pass traffic' between two amateur radio stations! Thus, traffic handlers find themselves in the proud position of continuing the fine tradition of message passing (QTC) that the ARRL was originally founded upon many years ago!

The HVN team: 

  • Ed N2JBA - HVN Net Manager

  • Andrew W2BOS - HVN Assistant Net Manager (HVN ANM) & Webmaster

  • John K2QY-  Eastern New York Section Manager (as of July 2017, replacing long time SM Pete N2YJZ)

  • Mike WO2H - Eastern New York Section Traffic Manager (effective 1 May 2016, taking over from Tom WE2G) Eastern New York Section Traffic Manager (ENY STM)

Links of both HVN and NTS interest:

HVN Specific Items: NTS General Interest Items:
Common Radiograms for HVN Traffic Handlers

Our HVN Breakfasts!
History of the Breakfasts

HVN History

HVN Old Timer's List

HVN Questions and Answers

Historical Statistics of the Hudson Valley Net

Join the Hudson Valley Net e-mail reflector

Latest HVN News   

Liaisons of HVN

Monthly HVN Net Statistics (including the HVN members who qualified for PSHR for that as published in the monthy QST)

Net Control Station Reference Information of HVN

Net Control Stations of HVN

How to produce a SAR and/or PSHR to our Eastern NY Traffic Manager -
(handout from on the air class, April 2020)

ARL and HX Reference Information

Eastern NY NTS Traffic Nets

Third Party Education Session (presented 23 January 2023 on the air)

NTS Facebook Page

General Information about the National Traffic System

Two discussion groups are for the NTS, including Section Traffic Managers, Official Relay Stations, NTS participants, and those interested in learning more about traffic handling.  Separate pages exists for both the ARRL on the national level and our own Eastern NY Section. (April 2020)

National Traffic System (Wikipedia article- good overview)

National Traffic System  on the ARRL main website 

NTS  Eastern NY Section Information Page

NTS Public Service Communications Manual ("PSCM"), linked from the ARRL Public Service Page

Radiogram Form

TEX NTS Net website - a nice NTS-oriented website with lots of good reference materials

View the ARRL's National Traffic System information pages  

What is a Radiogram?

Latest Message from our Net Manager, Ed N2JBA

Dateline:12 July 2024

To all HVN members:

It has been decided that the Monthly Book traffic program, developed by Mikey Carman, KD2NMG, will continue the last Tuesday of Each month, beginning on Tuesday, July 30, 2024.

This will be a training program for traffic handlers, especially for the many newly licensed hams, To familiarize themselves with the various procedures and protocols involved .

This will be on the last Tuesday of each month. Ron Luzniak, W2AH is Net Control Station on Tuesdays and Lynn Rightmeyer, Liaison to the Digital Traffic Network who will coordinate. I wish everyone a pleasant summer and please hydrate often…

73, Ed, N2JBA


Net Control Stations (NCSs):

Day Call

W2BOS Andrew (Asst. Net Manager)
(long time!)

TUESDAY     W2AH Ron (2022)
WEDNESDAY   W2OOD Carl (2020)
THURSDAY   KC2WRC Walt (long time!)
FRIDAY KB2TAT Steve (2023)
SATURDAY     N2JBA Ed (Net Manager)(long time!)
SUNDAY    KD2NMG Mike (2018)

Backup NCS(s)

W2COD Mark (2022)
W2CRM Craig (2018)
(long time!)
N2TSO Tony (2022)
KD2HMH Cyril
(long time!)
KV2J Lynn (2020)
KD2VQP Vernon (2024)

(Last Updated -  25 April 2024)

HVN Olde Timers List

By Andrew, W2BOS, HVN Assistant Net Manager

As of October 2020, the following 26 folks have been active members for at least the past 5 years of HVN and have been with us on the air at least somewhat frequently during this time.  This is therefore the official ‘olde-timers’ (some would say old-farts, but not me) list of the net!  If you’re on it, thanks for the support all these years. 

Original Inductees: W1ALI Alice, W2BOS Andrew, WA2BSS Stu, WM2C Mark, KC2CPO Orestes, N2DXL Paul, N2FZC Tom, WE2G(sk) Tom, WB2HRK AJ, N2JBA Ed, KC2LIX Bill, KC2LOR Hal, AC2LP Sean, N2MQW Paul, W2NTV Scott, KC2OBW Scott, N2OQA Neville, N2OXV John, N2QZ Nick, KB2RGA Bill, K2ROB Rob, K2UNI Keith, N2VRO Radd, WA2WMJ(sk) Julian, KC2WRC Walt, and WN2Y Frank.

Adding on to the original list:

Class of 2024 (first check-ins on or before 2019): AC2TM John, AE2AN Adam, K2DXS Frank, K2JDG Jeff, KA2R Marty, KC2UXA Bob, KD2GSQ Anthony, KD2HAP Charles, KD2HMH Cyril, KD2JJY Steve, KD2NMG Mikey, KD2NMK Paul, KD2OLQ Greg, KE2Z Raymond, KV2J Lynn, KZ2U Ed, N2CXT Redd, N2EMK Ed, N2FJ Charlie, W2CRM Craig, W2OOD Carl, W2REV Rich, WA2PRN Dave, and WE2FAT Jim.

Monthly Net Statistics

Current 2024 and last year's 2023 statistics of HVN as reported to NTS officials.
Previous years (2007-2021) data are available.


Month QNI
Sessions Public Service Honor Role Members as Listed in the QST Month Indicated
786 46 44 484 31 N2JBA, N2TSO, W2AH, W2OOD, WM2C
February 786 45 43 484 29 N2JBA, N2TSO, W2AH, W2OOD, WM2C
March 574 39 39 454 31 N2JBA, N2TSO, W2OOD, WM2C
April 525 54 53 514 30 KV2J, N2JBA, N2TSO, W2AH, W2OOD, WM2C
May 642 51 49 849 31 KV2J, N2JBA, N2TSO, W2AH, W2OOD, WA2BSS, WM2C
July 532 61 58 489 31 KV2J, N2JBA, N2TSO, W2AH, W2OOD, WM2C
August 640 85 84 630 31 KV2J, N2JBA, N2TSO, W2AH, W2OOD, WM2C
September 613 79 74 574 30 KV2J, N2JBA, W2AH, W2OOD, WM2C



Totals: 5644 499 483 4879 274


Month QNI (Checkins) QTC (Listed) QSP (Passed) QND


January 644 50 47 561 31
February 547 35 33 434 28
March 682 36 36 561 31
April 568 51 50 505 30
May 566 75 72 595 31
June 529 61 60 512 31*
August 512 30 28 420 31
September 483 37 34 454 30
October 523 35 34 463 31
November 537 85 79 443 30
December 621 50 43 516 31

2023 Totals 6725 590 557 5930 366

** June 2023 had 31 sessions that included a special HVN Net on Field Day Sunday on 25 June at 1300 local.  The statistics include these totals, many of which were from Field Day that we participated in as a net supporting that activity. - traffic count for October includes annual Simulated Emergency Test (SET) drill that HVN ran




The Hudson Valley Net is always looking for a few good traffic handlers to act as liaison stations to HF nets (NYPON) or HF CW nets Also needed are people to liaise with the Southern District Net and the Capital District Net., local VHF nets. 

Please contact me if you would be able to assist us...
73, Ed N2JBA (12 September 2012)

The following are the list of NETs which we have liaison assignments for.  The ENY section-wide list of nets may be obtained on the ENY Section Manager webpage.

Anyone wishing to take any of the open slots, contact our net manager Ed N2JBA if so!

The following are stations that are officially designated 'liaisons' between HVN and the listed NET or geographic areas or ARES/RACES nets or groups, as appropriate. 

Net Name Liaison and Callsign
Amateur Radio Telegraph Society (ARTS) (open) 
Big Apple Traffic Net (BATN) (open)
Capitol District Traffic Net (CDTN) Mike KD2NMG


Dutchess County ARES / Dutchess County RACES Adam AE2AN
Empire State Slow Speed (ESS) (open)
National Traffic System Digital (NTS-D) (open)
NTS-Digital (i.e.: Digital Traffic Network, DTN)
Lynn KV2J; Carl W2OOD
NY PHONE (open) 
NY Public Operations Net (NYPON) Mike KD2NMG, Ed N2JBA; Mark WM2C, Carl W2OOD (1/2022)
NY State (NYS) (open)
NY State Phone, Traffic, and Emergency Net (NYSPTEN) (open)
Orange Country ARES/RACES (OCAR) Mark WM2C
Orange/Rockland John KD2RNJ
Putnam County ARES/RACES (open)
Rockland County (open)
Southern Catskill Amateur Radio Society (SCARS) (open)
Southern District Net (SDN) Mark WM2C; Stu WA2BSS; Andrew W2BOS
Ulster County Bill KB2RGA
Ulster County ARES/RACES (open)
Westchester County ORS (open)

(table last updated 16 Jan 2022)

Join the Eastern NY NTS Traffic Handlers Web Reflector!

Our former ENY Section Traffic Manager Nick N2QZ has created a local NTS reflector - anyone wishing to subscribe can simply do so by pointing your browser to .

Net Control Station Reference Information

Items below underlined are directives to the NCS....fill in with the specific information, if required and appropriate.


(revised 9/2019, 8/8/2022 (added repeater frequency), 8/6/2023 changed to N2FZC as repeater callsign (was WR2ABB))

(Place the repeater in Net timer mode, if available)

Calling the Hudson Valley Net, calling the Hudson Valley Net, This is (station call) calling this session of the Hudson Valley Net.  

The Hudson Valley Net is a local net of the ARRL National Traffic System and meets each evening at 19:30 hours local time on the Mt. Beacon N2FZC 146.97 repeater to pass formal written traffic into, out of and throughout the Mid-Hudson Valley area.  

This is a directed net and all communication will be directed through Net Control for the duration of the net.  

All stations are invited to participate; when checking into the net, call this station (your call), drop your carrier to check for doubling, then after the courtesy tone , please indicate your call sign and your call sign only; give specific information when instructed.                

Is there a station wishing to act as Alternate Net Control, this evening?; If so please call (your call).  

The first call up is for stations with formal written traffic. Traffic only; traffic stations for the Hudson Valley Net , Please call (your call).  

The next call-up is for liaison stations, any additional traffic stations,  and any stations that can handle the (outbound traffic, if listed above) .  Those stations and those stations only, please call (your call).  

(Please note that announcements will be made after the net has been secured; but this is NOT part of the Hudson Valley NET and should not be included in net time reported.  Also please keep in mind that on Monday evenings the Mount Beacon ARC meeting on the air begins at 8 PM. ) 

The third call up is a general call up for all stations with or without traffic or any other business for the net. (Repeat call-ups as needed).



This has been a regular session of the Hudson Valley Net which meets every evening at 19:30 hours on the N2FZC, 146.970 Repeater. 

I would like to thank (ANCS callsign) for acting as alternate net control. 

I would also like to thank those stations who handled traffic, those who checked in and those who stood by while the net was in session.

I would especially like to thank the Mt. Beacon Amateur Radio Club for the use of all their repeaters. 

If the repeater is in Net timer mode: Please stand by for the timer change  (reset the repeater timer).

This is (your callsign) closing the Hudson Valley Net at (local time) and returning the repeater to regular amateur use. (your call) out.

Contact Us!

If you have any questions (or constructive comments or suggestions!)  please contact our Net Manager Ed on the air or at or the Web Page owner Andrew

All original material on this page is copyrighted  ©2006-2024 by Hudson Valley Net.

Use on other NTS or Amateur Radio webpages is allowable provided appropriate (including our URL, is given.  Likewise, we thank those whose materials we've incorporated on our page with their permission as well.


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