What is the Hudson Valley Net (aka: HVN)?
HVN is a local traffic net of the American Radio
Relay League's (ARRL) National
Traffic System.
Who can participate?
All licensed Amateur Radio Operators ('hams') who
have at least 2 meter (144 mhz.) license privileges are welcome to
When and where does HVN meet?
The net meets each evening 19:30 Local Time on the Mt.
Beacon Amateur Radio Club's flagship 97 Repeater - AE2AN
(formerly KC2DAA), 146.97 (-600) 100 PL - backup is the MBARC N2OXV
147.045 (+600) 100 PL linked repeater pair if 147.97 is
Who leads the HVN?
How does HVN fit within the ARRL's Field Organization?
HVN operates in the ENY
section of the Hudson Division
of the ARRL.
Sounds great! How do I learn more about traffic handling in general?
We suggest you view the ENY NTS webpage.
Last updated - 1 January 2021
All original material on this page is copyrighted ©2006-2021 by Hudson Valley Net.
Use on other NTS or Amateur Radio webpages is allowable provided appropriate (including our URL, www.hvnet.org) is given. Likewise, we thank those whose materials we've incorporated on our page with their permission as well.